EmployAbility Louth retail positions available


Spotting uniqueness, strengths and abilities of job seekers is one of our prime strengths. Because of this, we know which job opportunity will be a good fit for you.

Who is Eligible

  • EmployAbility Service Louth engages with jobseekers between the ages of 18 and 66 years who are out of work due to accident, illness, disability or in recovery from poor mental health, anxiety or stress disorder.
  • Jobseekers do not necessarily need to be in receipt of a disability payment to access our service. Once you have a recognised disability or health issue that is validated by your Doctor you can join our service.
  • Jobseekers are required to be ‘’Job Ready’’ This is defined as having the necessary training, education, motivation, transport and ability to pursue work in the open labour market.
  • Jobseekers must be available to attend regular meetings with a Job Coach.
  • Jobseekers must be willing and able to work a minimum of 8 hours per week, and be able to progress to independent employment by the end of an 12 month period.

Service Provided by Job Coach

  • Following registration with EmployAbility Service Louth, each jobseeker is assigned a Job Coach, who through a series of one to one meetings will assist and support the jobseeker with career planning, job searching, CV preparation and interview preparation.
  • The Job Coach makes contact with numerous employers in order to find the right job fit for each jobseeker. We don’t rely on job advertisements to look for work; we network with employers to look for potential vacancies before they happen.
  • Work experience is a key element of our service; we find work experience opportunities invaluable when trying to find a suitable role for candidates. Matching the right Jobseeker to the right job is key to our success.
  • The Job Coach provides information and advice on grants / supports available to Jobseekers i.e. JobsPlus Grant, WSS, WPEP and Working Family Payment.
  • On-the-job support and coaching is available when the Jobseeker, Job Coach or Employer feel it is necessary. All of our staff are insured to be on work sites. All of our staff are fully Garda Vetted.

How Do I Apply

Please contact any of the following offices to get started:

<p>EmployAbility Service Louth</p>

EmployAbility Service Louth Office

9B/9C Partnership Court,
Park St, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Tel: 042 9386718
Mobile: 087 6386885

<p>Intreo logo</p>

INTREO Drogheda

Government Office
Custom House Quay,
Drogheda, Co. Louth
Phone: 041 987 1130

<p>Intreo logo</p>

INTREO Dundalk

Government Buildings,
St Alphonsus Rd, Dundalk
Phone: 042 939 2600
